Operation and maintenance

The operation and maintenance (O&M) of stormwater devices and infrastructure is vital to ensure their correct long-term functioning and performance. If operation and maintenance is not undertaken correctly, then the design quantity and/or quality assumptions will not work, devices may become unsightly or cause a public health problem, and the downstream consequences may be severe if complete failure occurs.

Operation and maintenance references

These objectives are generally set out in planning documents, and relevant regional and national documents are provided:

Waterways, Wetlands and Drainage Guide (WWDG)
WWDG includes a chapter on operation and maintenance. This is not device specific, but includes a checklist useful for the operation and maintenance of any stormwater device.

Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Management Devices
Auckland Council produced a technical guide entitled, Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Management Devices in the Auckland Region (TR 2010/053). This includes both general O&M guidance, and also device specific guidance.

Stormwater Management Devices in the Auckland Region (GD01)
O&M design considerations are given for each device covered in GD01. This includes guidance on:

  • Plants and soils
  • Pervious pavements
  • Bioretention (including rain gardens)
  • Living roofs
  • Rainwater tank systems
  • Swales
  • Infiltration devices
  • Wetlands
  • Ponds

Rain Garden Maintenance
A device-specific guide for rain garden maintenance in Canterbury conditions is available from Christchurch City Council (section C).