Regional Stormwater Forum

The Canterbury Regional Stormwater Forum is a collaborative project between Canterbury District Councils, Environment Canterbury, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, the University of Canterbury and local stormwater industry representatives. It seeks to improve stormwater management planning, best practice design, consenting and associated environmental outcomes in Canterbury.

Principles of stormwater management.

Principles of stormwater management

The principles of stormwater management … Learn more

Site characterisation

Site characterisation

Site characterisation is understanding how … Learn more

Site design

Site design

Best practice site design from a stormwater … Learn more

Receiving environment objectives

Receiving environment objectives

Receiving environment objectives set the goals … Learn more

Hydrological management

Hydrological management

Stormwater quantity effects can range from … Learn more

Water quality management

Water quality management

Water quality management includes both … Learn more

Infrastructure design

Infrastructure design

Infrastructure design includes pipe design … Learn more

Construction management

Construction management

Construction management includes … Learn more



Monitoring refers to the collection … Learn more

Operation and maintenance

Operation and maintenance

The operation and maintenance of stormwater … Learn more